Ed. 020 Talking More Won't Solve Your Collaboration Problems
How many times have you sent repetitive Slack messages asking for additional meetings to solve something?
Sup ya’ll! We’re back for another edition of The Unblockers. Feel like working with us? Send me a DM and let’s chat! If this is your first time here and like what you see, consider subscribing. 💗
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Why talking more won’t solve your collaboration problems 🔲
Inside Design elaborates on the communicative friction between two different organizations.
Why does this matter? Pgms should be thoughtful and clearly understand the communication protocols of the teams they interface with to drive progress.
Interviewing at Amazon? Learn to answer their leadership principles ⚖️
Amazon is famous for its leadership principles and doesn’t shy away from finding candidates that align well with said principles.
Why does this matter? Turns out, that to function in a cross-functional position like program management in large tech companies, adopting Amazon’s values is a great way to get ahead.
The Beginner’s Guide to Project Portfolio Management 📁
For those of you still in heavily projectized organizations or companies, The Digital Project Manager has a great guide to PPM.
Why does this matter? If you’re the type to think of projects to work on, it’s possible someone in leadership may reject funding your proposed project. Learn how PPM works to better your chances of funding your projects. *hint hint, make sure your project either makes or saves money, a lot of money.
A Manifesto for Small Teams Doing Important Work
You’ll likely find yourself teaming with a small band of intrepid colleagues or direct reports! Consider adopting a set of values to help align your work.
Why does this matter? A set of guiding principles to streamline work-streams never hurt. It’s important that your team adopt a mission or vision statement to quickly address problems and make decisions.
The Internet Explained for TPMs 🌐
One of the most common questions I’ve encountered when interviewing for technical positions is the classic, “what happens when I type www.google.com into the address bar?”
Why does this matter? If you’re a TPM, why not take it a step further and take a quasi-deep dive into the nuances of the internet and networking. Can’t hurt, right?
See you next week 🙏
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