Ed. 015 Want Better Project Performance? Then Say So
Yep, it's that simple. Just tell your team that they will deliver great stuff. Wait, really?

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How Program Managers Can Use the Pygmalion Effect for High Performance
Everyone talks about how to build great teams, the best project management strategy, or the latest and greatest agile technique. But what about the intangible stuff? Research has shown the Pygmalion effect can have an effect on the performance of a person simply by telling them that they “will succeed.“
Why does this matter? Easily forgotten is the intangible behavioral psychology around being a program manager. Leadership, influence, and the obligatory soft skills should be just as important as the latest agile technique.

The Best Managers According to Google’s Project Oxygen
Speaking of managers, ever read that study that Google put out a little while back on what makes a good manager?
Why does this matter? Because no other company but Google had the guts to burn millions of dollars to experiment on what truly made a good manager. Turns out that many of these traits intersect with effective program managers as well.
Augmented Analytics for Program Managers
A few years ago I made the bold claim that all analysts would have to learn to code and eventually become data scientists. I still stand by my statement. Augmented analytics is the premise that many of the rote responsibilities of the typical data scientist can eventually be automated.
Why does this matter? Because you yourself should be immensely data-driven in your approach as a program manager. You’re trusted to drive decisions home. This requires justification. Justification comes from story-telling data.
Persuasive Words to Get Stuff Done
Why does this matter? Leading by influence means being tactful with your language.
How the Internet Works for TPMs
It’s good to have a baseline for technical chops for us TPMs. A good place to start is how the internet works.
Why does this matter? One of the classic technical questions in interviews is “Tell me what happens when I type www.google.com into the address bar.” You better know how to answer this one.
Job Postings and Resources 📝
Take a look at some resources and roles we’ve curated recently.
See you next week 🙏
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Thanks for sharing this post with us. Every manager should have some quality and ways to manage his projects. The project manager has a lot of responsibilities to perform and make the project successful. Being a project manager, I have to do something different and read articles, books and also stories at this https://xxxstory.best/ website for getting connected with the world.