Ed. 014 Design Engineering to Refine Your Unblocking
There's a brave new world of blurred responsibilities and strange hybrid roles. Design Engineering is among them

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Design Engineering for TPMs and PGMs 🍥
Design Engineering is another one of those new unicorn hybrid roles where TPMs and PGMs can be found working in.
Why does this matter? Hybrid and generalist roles are becoming the norm in many industries and companies. These individuals bring the best of many worlds and TPMs/PGMs fit the profile perfectly.
Use Tiger Teams To Solve Large Problems 🐯

Tiger teams can solve big problems and you don’t need to spin up an entire team and use headcount to do so. They consist of team members of existing employees with mature mental models of the problem at hand.
Why does this matter? Due to the rapid pace of innovation and change in tech-driven organizations, tiger teams serve as a sort of swat team to quickly solve critical and scale-bound problems without having to commit to additional headcount or resources.
Decoding Rest APIs
Need to brush up on more technical chops? Read up on REST APIs.
Why does this matter? Gone are the days of brittle point to point connections and old-school SOAP connectors. Companies and orgs are moving toward standardized and well-understood API driven methodologies to connect anything to anything.
All the Answers to "Should Designers Learn to Code?" ⌨️
It’s an interesting question and further solidifies these new-age cross-functional roles.
Why does this matter? There’s a trend going around emphasizing how employees should become more customer and human-centric, but what about the other way around?
Project Management Skills for 2020 📁
A curated list of the top Project Management skills for 2020. There are some good ones here, but also a few that I think could be better spent elsewhere.
Why does this matter? What’s not to like? It’s a list! Pick out what you think are relevant to your skill gaps and start brushing up. I especially like the bit about creativity, a skill I believe all PGMs should have.
Job Postings and Resources 📝
Take a look at some resources and roles we’ve curated recently.
See you next week 🙏
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